
Harness the power of user-friendly website design

Regardless of its purpose, any website needs to be well-conceived, robustly designed and critically user-friendly to have a meaningful online presence. Studies show how attention spans for people have plummeted, which makes having user-friendly website design more decisive than ever in the competitive world of online marketing to keep consumers converting.

Accessible on all platforms

With mobile internet use increasing, it pays to have a website design accessible on all platforms and browsers. The days of relying solely on a website design that works on a desktop or laptop are over, given the sheer volume of searches conducted on mobile devices. In 2021, Google also announced it would be using mobile usability as a metric for ranking searches. So even if your website is only advertising a free newsletter about community projects in Leicester, it will need to be mobile-ready for most users to find it and deliver outstanding user ease.

Make navigating your website simple

The main navigation interface on any website should be simple in design and provide links to all the main pages from the homepage. It’s advisable not to compress too much in the primary navigation tool to stop it from becoming unappealing, but it is the place to start your website visual hierarchy. Use clear labelling and colours to contrast and emphasize essential elements of your website design. Working search functions and footer navigation with a website menu are also valuable tools to enable users to locate the page they need without too much hassle. Try not to overload your website with other features such as pop-ups to avoid distracting and turning off users. After all, only so much prompting for boiler servicing in Leicester people can handle in a single visit.

If you are looking for advice on website design, contact Web Designers Leicester to arrange an informal consultation.