
The Importance of SEO Keyword Research

Staggeringly, over half of all Google lookups are a zero-click search, which means that less than fifty per cent of searches end without a user clicking on a search result. The lack of clicking is mainly due to the evolution and sophistication of search engine result pages now. With results now featuring Google Business Listings, fragments of relevant web pages and questions pertinent to the search query that cascade into further questions when opened, users can easily extract the information they need without clicking. So how do you ensure that your SEO keyword research can still drive traffic to your site in such a competitive arena?

Identify long-tail and targeted keywords for your business

Probably the best method for discovering long-tail and targeted keywords for your business is by using Google Search Console. It allows you to see the search terms that brings users to your site, so you should be able to find lucrative keywords unique to your website with a little bit of inventiveness.

Grasp the user intent
It’s vital to appreciate the user intent. Two of the most common types of search intent constitute informational and commercial. For instance, a typical informational search might look for how to get to Leicester from London, whereas a commercial search might be looking for cheap coaches to Leicester. To understand the user intent behind searches for potential keywords, examine the search results for those specific keywords before bidding for them. If you can decipher the search’s purpose, then infrequently searched keywords can generate high-volume traffic and conversions.

If you need any help with your keyword research, contact Web Designers Leicester for our SEO services.